APICS Inland Empire Chapter Postpones Spring 2020 Symposium
Article by apicsie, March 10, 2020[addthis tool=addthis_inline_share_toolbox_rgf2]
APICS Inland Empire Chapter
Postpones Spring 2020 Symposium
After considerable conversation and evaluation, the APICS Inland Empire Chapter has decided to postpone our Spring 2020 Symposium amid ongoing concerns around the coronavirus. Not only does the virus have the potential of affecting us in a group setting, but, more importantly, all of us who are a part of the end-to-end supply chain have already been affected.
As you know, we are working with suppliers, looking for alternate sources of supply, proactively managing logistics, handling customer priorities, expediting, prioritizing and much more in order to maintain customer service levels. Consequently, we are all knee deep to successfully navigate current conditions. As a result, we want to be respectful of your obligations and time and believe it is in our mutual best interest to postpone the event.
As your manufacturing and supply chain resource and partner, we will be adding webinars to our schedule to provide additional value to our members. We recently had a webinar on proactively managing China quality. We will build on this series with other topics and experts to help you successfully navigate through the current situation. We are looking for speakers who can provide ideas to help us better prepare for future disruptions and take advantage of potential opportunities. If you have topics you’d like to hear about or speakers to recommend, please PROVIDE US FEEDBACK AND IDEAS.
If there is a resource or information that we can provide, please feel free to call on us. We anticipate our next Symposium to be in the Fall of this year. We will confirm the date and send information shortly so that you can “save the date”.
Thank you for your participation and continued interest in APICS Inland Empire Chapter.
Lisa Anderson, President