Talent in the Supply Chain Webinar with zoom codes – November 17th

Article by , November 8, 2021

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Emerging with Supply Chain Strength Webinar

Talent in the Supply Chain

Wednesday, November 17th @ 4pm PST

There is a war on talent in the supply chain. Vast labor shortages in the end-to-end supply chain from ports, trucking, warehousing, manufacturing, technology and much more is constraining sales growth. These are unprecedented times when retaining, developing and attracting talent will mean the difference between thriving and dying. What are the most successful companies doing to successfully navigate the shortage of talent? Our expert panel of manufacturing and supply chain experts will discuss the current state of talent, what our best clients are doing differently and will discuss and debate strategies to thrive in the rebound as it appears to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grow and scale if you are successful with talent.

11pm Europe UTC/GMT
4pm US Pacific/ 7pm US Eastern
9am Australia AEST (November 18th)
Duration: 1 hour

About the Speakers
The panel includes expert supply chain thought leaders of The Society for the Advancement of Consulting (SAC). Together, we represent over 140 years of consulting experience supplementing over 150 years of management experience in Supply Chain, Operations, IT, Logistics, Sustainability, and other areas. This international group includes: Lisa Anderson (California, USA), Evan Bulmer  (South Australia, AU), Diane Garcia (Oregon, USA), David Ogilvie (Queensland, AU), Karen Wilson-Starks (Colorado, USA).

The Society for the Advancement of Consulting (SAC) is the premier association for independent consulting professionals who subscribe to an industry code of ethics and provide significant consulting results among their clients. Founded by Million Dollar Consulting guru Alan Weiss in 2003, SAC offers a series of in-person and online programs to help consultants share best practices and learn from industry experts and thought leaders in the business world. SAC today has members in 40 countries around the world.

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Passcode: 053275
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