The Ports & the State of Logistics Webinar with Jon DeCesare – January 14, 2022 at 12pm Pacific

Article by , December 17, 2021

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Emerging with Supply Chain Strength Webinar

Emerging with Supply Chain Strength Webinar

The Ports & the State of Logistics
with Jon DeCesare

Friday, January 14th, 2022 @ 12pm Pacific

Supply chain disruptions are dominating the news, and the ports have had a backlog of container ships for months with no end in sight. Thus, we wanted to take a deep dive into what has caused these issues, why it appears as though the ports cannot catch up and what is really involved in digging out from this situation. Our speaker will provide insight into the state of ports and logistics as well as talk through what he sees in the future and how it will impact businesses and the supply chain in 2022.

About the Speaker

Jon DeCesare CMC* is President of WCL Consulting, Inc. After spending more than fifteen years in senior executive management positions with major transcontinental trucking operation, importer and third-party logistics providers, Jon wanted to use his in-depth supply chain knowledge and experience to solve goods movement issues and challenges in the various global supply chain stakeholder industries. He works with clients to improve their business results by solving complex supply chain problems and optimizing goods movement networks. Jon is specialist in supply chain interface issues including ports of entry, third-party logistics partnerships, and warehouse location optimization.

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